Laudato Si Movement North America Region (LSMNA) seeks to inspire and empower individuals, communities, and institutions through eco-conversion and prayer to care for our common home. With foundations in Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ encyclical, the movement promotes ecological conversion, advocates for climate justice, and supports sustainable practices rooted in solidarity and care for creation. The movement prayerfully and meaningfully addresses environmental challenges with a commitment to prayer, education, and action in collaboration and solidarity with animators and Chapter leaders throughout North America.

This movement is only as strong as the commitment and passion of its members. We invite you to join this cause for ecological justice and sustainability rooted in the Catholic faith and a call to care for our common home.

News & Events

Are the L.A. Wildfires a Consequence of Climate Change? Absolutely.

The Time to Act is Now to Reverse the Impact of Global Warming and Overreliance on Fossil Fuels (Los Angeles and Sacramento, California)- As wildfires continue to devastate the Los Angeles region claiming lives, destroying communities, and displacing thousands of...