Laudato Si’ Movement North America’s Senior Program Manager, Anna Johnson, today issued the below statement following the Holy Father’s appointment of Cardinal Robert McElroy as Archbishop of Washington.
“Laudato Si’ Movement North America congratulates Cardinal Robert McElroy, a tireless advocate of the Holy Father’s call for care of creation and eco-conversion, on his appointment as the new Archbishop of Washington. Cardinal McElroy has been a steadfast advocate for the care of our common home, demonstrating a deep commitment to the principles of ecological conversion and ecology as outlined in Pope Francis’s encyclical, Laudato Si’, including through diocesan divestment, reducing its carbon impact, committing resources to this essential work, and engaging all members of the diocese in caring for God’s creation.
His leadership in fostering dialogue on the interconnection between the health and well-being of all people, particularly those most on the margins, and caring for our common home inspires us to bold and compassionate action in addressing the ecological and social crises of our time.
As an organization of faith, we offer our prayers for Cardinal McElroy as he begins this new ministry and we look forward to collaborating with he and his team in the Archdiocese of Washington to continue to grow the animation of Laudato Si’.”
(Photo: Archdiocese of Washington)