Laudato Si’ Movement North America Statement on the Deadly Wildfires in Los Angeles

Jan 9, 2025 | North America

“Our hearts are heavy as we learn of the increasingly devastating wildfires impacting Los Angeles. We offer our prayers and sincere condolences to those who have lost loved ones, homes, and their livelihoods.

These wildfires are yet another destructive reminder of the need to meaningfully and urgently   address the ongoing climate crisis, which, driven by our increased reliance on fossil fuels,  exacerbates the frequency and intensity of such disasters. As Pope Francis reminds us in Laudato Si’, we are called to care for our common home and all who inhabit it.

We urge leaders to take bold and immediate action to protect vulnerable communities and people, prioritize climate resilience, and reduce emissions. As we pray for the victims and first responders, let us also commit ourselves to transformative change that safeguards the future of our planet and all of God’s creation.”